Add a Payment Method
Payment methods can be changed/added within your account online. Multiple cards can be stored securely for easy and fast checkout whether placing an order over the phone or on your own online.
How to Add/Change a Payment Type
Step 1: Click Account
Step 2: Click Payment Types
Step 3: Add Card
Step 4: Manage Payment Types
View the video below for a quick how-to overview:
Step 1: Click ‘Account’ in the upper right hand corner of the screen.

Step 2: From the Account page, select ‘Payment Types' from the left side toolbar.

Step 3: Enter your card information and select the ‘Add Card’ button.

Step 4: See your recently added card listed in Payment Types. Select it as a default payment by clicking the radio button, delete an old payment method by clicking the icon in the delete column. Note: you can edit the Expiration date and Zip Code by selecting the greyed-out pen icon.