Setup YouTube Syndication
Table of Contents
When you integrate your YouTube channel to your account, we will automatically post all of your site videos to your channel!
How to Integrate your YouTube Channel
Step 1: Go to your Account tab
Step 2: Click on ‘App Integration’
Step 3: Click on ‘Authorize My Account’
Step 4: Sign in to your YouTube account
Step 5: Click on ‘Allow’
Step 6: Select which videos you'd like automatically posted
Step 7: Make sure ‘Auto Upload’ is selected in Site Activation tab
See the Table of Contents on the right-hand side and click for Frequently Asked Questions.
Step 1: At the top of any page, select the Account tab.
Step 2: Click on the App Integration tab on the left-hand side.
Step 3: Under the Cloud Video Providers section you will see the YouTube integration. Click on the ‘Authorize My Account’ button.
Step 4: You will be prompted to sign in or select the YouTube account that you would like to access.
Step 5: Once you have logged in to your YouTube account, you will be prompted to allow TourFactory Video Upload access to upload. Click the ‘Allow’ button.
Step 6: You will be taken back to the App Integrations page. You will see that you can now select which videos you would like automatically posted to your YouTube channel.
Step 7: Go to the site you would like to have auto uploads for and click the Site Activation tab on the left-hand side. Under the Social Media section, make sure that ‘Auto Upload’ is selected. Note: this gives you the option to choose which sites you would like us to post to YouTube.
YouTube Syndication FAQs
How can I relink my YouTube account if I get logged out?
If the link to your account doesn't seem to be working, click on the ‘Re-authorize My Account’ button. This will prompt you to sign into your YouTube account again.
How can I delete my YouTube channel from my TourFactory account?
Click on the ‘Remove Authorization’ button. You may need to logout and login to your TourFactory account again to see the change.
Can I link more than one YouTube channel?
Yes, you can authorize integration for multiple YouTube channels. Click the ‘Add’l Authorization' button to login to another YouTube account. As of now, the Cloud Video Provider section will not display the YouTube account information; so if you'd like to have different preferences for your included videos, you may need to click ‘Re-authorize My Account’ to identify the YouTube channel.
If I don't want to link my channel can I still get my videos to upload to YouTube myself?
If you choose not to integrate your YouTube channel, you can download your Site Videos as MP4 files, from the site's Marketing Kit or Site Activation tab, and post the videos yourself.
After authorizing my Youtube channel, will older orders sync over the Youtube videos?
Yes, previously orders will sync over as well as your new orders.